Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Two More Days...

Things are starting to wind down here for me in Peru, I only have two more days of placement and then it's off to Lima by bus on Saturday. I am planning on going with one of my friends, Allison, to the Mental Health Clinic tomorrow, and then back to my own placement (Santa Elena Health Clinic) on Friday. I can't believe that it has already been six weeks! I have been going back and reading some of my old blog and journal entries, and I honestly can't believe how much I have done. I have seen some amazing things, even somethings that not even American doctors get to see. I have met some wonderful people, people who are going to change the world, and do great things for their respective countries. I, myself, have learned so much and have fallen in love with the country, its culture, and the people that live here.

I am pretty excited for Friday, I am going to cook lunch for the kitchen staff, give them a little taste of my culture. I am planning on making teriyaki chicken (they have never heard of it and I know... more chicken) and some of the girls in the house are going to give me a hand! We were going to do Mac and Cheese with hot dogs, but decided to go for something a little more complex, and they actually have all the ingredients I need here, so it should be fun! Well I better go! I love you all and I miss you, I feel like I should have some catchy sign off by now haha. I will let you know how the mental health clinic goes tomorrow! Bye!


Anonymous said...

Are you going to maker everyone eat with 'sticks? Dad

Anonymous said...

... actually, I'm surprised it's not cuy teriaki... just put those little suckers on a stick and pop 'em on the grill ...sorry, couldn't resist ... Dad again.

Anonymous said...

It sure did go fast for you. Went back and read all the blogs and loved it. What a experience you had! Looking forward to seeing you soon. We miss you. Scott/Laura

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your stories. I logged on every day to see if blog was posted. I have read them over and over and least a dozen times. Really enjoyed it. Have a safe trip back. Laura