Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hey Everyone!
I have had an interesting week/weekend, even though it seemed a little slow it was really rather nice. Right now, I am a little freaked out because I am sick again (surprise surprise…), but the weird creepy part about it is that I am having trouble breathing. It feels like there is mucus in my lungs, and Carlos (our tea leaf reader) told me that I would be getting sick, like bronchitis sick, very soon. So for now I am blaming Carlos for my illness.

I went on a llama trek this weekend! I spent the afternoon horseback riding alongside these funny dressed llamas with bells strapped around their necks. The scenery was absolutely amazing. We were pretty high in the Andes, at about 13,000 ft, and there was snow all around us, along with hundreds of wild llamas, alpacas, and sheep. I think it was one of the best experiences that I have had here so far. It was so quiet and the land was untouched except for the small path that was used by the llamas and horses. I have never ridden a horse on non-flat land, so going down hill on these big rocks was a little scary. I was very happy that I did not fall off Atticus. I had first named my pony Vaca (which made Pancho a little confused because he thought I thought the Spanish word for horse was vaca), but seeing as he was so old, refined, and knowledgeable in the ways of the trail, calling him Cow just didn’t seem appropriate.

There is actually an American doctor, an endocrinologist to be exact, is working at the clinic with me this week so I will get to shadow a real doctor that speaks English! Yay! I showed him around a little and did the best I could with translation and introducing him to the other staff members. I learned about diabetes today and that Adam Morrison actually suffers from Type 1, apparently he is famous amongst endocrinologists because of how impressive it is that he is able to perform on such a high level with this disease. I am also actually working with patients tomorrow, and Dr. David is teaching me how to use a special Glucometer that can help give a full metabolic panel! I am so excited! I learned so much today and it really made me a lot more comfortable knowing that I would be directly helping these people.

Tomorrow I am also going with a group of my intern friends to a Wawa Wasi to teach the mama’s proper oral hygiene and how to teach the kids good brushing techniques. And in true Caity form, I even drew out a small cartoon with Senor Toothbrush saving Senor Tooth from the evil Senor Plaque. There is also a Sra. Floss who defeats Sra. Azucar (sugar) with her lasso of minty goodness.

I will let you all know how tomorrow goes! I miss you all and thanks again for reading, it really means a lot to me knowing that people are out there listening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you get some rest and get better! We think about you every day. Scott/Laura