Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I just wanted to let you all know that it hasn’t been all fun and games here, and I have actually been going to see some guest speakers while I am here. I forgot to tell you all that the reason I got my tea leaves read was because we had a professor at the local university come and talk to us about the green and the white side of the coca leave. They harvest about 100,000 tons of excess coca leaves here in Peru, which makes about 330 tons of cocaine! That makes them the second largest supplier of cocaine in the world next to Colombia.

I have also been to a lecture on the Shining Path and I even got to hear personal experiences from the people who work in the CCS house. There was actually an attack on Sunday at a police station in the province of Ayacucho ( not in the city where I am), but the Shining Path isn’t as prevalent here in Peru anymore, but it is a very sad story that took the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent Peruvian people. The street that I live on is named the 26 of Enero, which is a day that 6 journalists were slain while trying to get a better understand the on goings of the Shining Path. It is still something that is fresh in the minds of people that live here and it’s amazing how positive the people stay.

I have also learned a lot about healthcare and insurance in Ayacucho, including common diseases, but I am sure I will talk more about it later to you all in person, or by some other form of communication. It is just very extensive and complicated, so maybe give me a day or two to figure out how to word it properly. Over half way done! I miss you guys!

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