Friday, August 21, 2009


Well everyone, I have just one day more before I begin my long two day journey back home. Yesterday I went to the Mental Health Clinic, which is more like a home that they use for therapy purposes. The mission is to help stimulate the minds and bodies of the mentally handicapped. I went with Allie, who left yesterday, which makes me the last person here from the group I came in with. Hooray for being the second oldest volunteer here! The power is invigorating, although short lived haha. Anyways, the people I worked with yesterday were around my age or even a little bit older. The older people only come on Thursday; it is usually only infants and toddlers. With the infants and toddlers, they do a lot of massage (to work the muscles) and play lots of games and puzzles. Because the people I was working with were older, we did a lot of mind puzzles, having them write their names, and drawing with the lines. It was a lot of fun and it really made me appreciate what I have even more, because these people are so close to my own age.

It was sad leaving the clinic today. I have gotten to know all of the doctors and nurses that work there (even though I can’t pronounce their names right). It has been amazing seeing how the health care system works here, and how they deal with less than ideal conditions. I left a little early to make lunch for the staff. Some of the girls and I decided to make them teriyaki chicken because they had never heard of it. I think it turned out pretty good, at least I hope it did. The girls at the house loved it but they didn’t get to eat it, haha.

The old volunteers joined me on the roof last night for smores, and it’s funny watching them try and make them. The graham crackers here are already covered in chocolate so making them should be that much easier, but I guess they don’t make smores in England. Hanna keeps putting the cracker on the stick and we have to catch her before she puts it in the fire. It’s really kind of funny. They also don’t have Halloween in England, so I have decided I need to put some spider webs in a box for them for Halloween because that just isn’t right. Well I better finish packing and what not! Ten hour bus ride to Lima, and then the Red Eye to Houston! Yay! Good night everyone! I miss you and love you and will see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Happy Trails, Sweets! Be safe! Looking forward to taking you on a whirlwind tour of the wonderful gastronomical delights around Albuquerque. M/D/K/M

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!